Gas sampling - Sample probes

Sample probes are often first element  of gas sampling, no matter which gas to be analysed. Normally sample probes are used in industrial applications, as for example processes with high temperatures or in chemical applications. Typical application are thermal afterburnings or pyrolysis.

Sample probes are designed exactly to process requirements.  The sampling can be done either with a sintered filter pipe. If possible, a backwashing or an additional heating of the  sample probe can be realised. Other configuration for example are back-pressure valves or special kinds of shut-off valves.

The sample probes can be made from various stainless steel alloys, as for example 1.4571 or Hastelloy, but also  ceramic components are possible. This is dependant on the kind of process and the sample gas.



The sample probe 1-S-65 is equipped with  a ball-valve shut-off valve, as well as a pre-filter made from sinter metal with a filter fineness of 2µm.

Gasentnahme Entnahmefilter Gas sampling probe with filter