Gas analysis and gas sampling at its highest level.

You need to measure most precisely and
your application requires know-how?
You are looking for expert advice and a comprehensive technical support?
Then we are your partner for customized solutions in gas analysis technology.
Gas analysers
High quality instruments and analysers for gas analysis. We offer a wide range of various measuring methods for the food and pharmaceutical industry, for process and laboratories analysis.
Various measuring methods allow applications under most different conditions. Portable and stationary solutions are possible. We will find together the one model of gas analyser which will fit perfectly to your particular application.
Many of our high end instruments, which cover oxygen analysers, moisture trace analysers and gas measurement through heat conductivity are manufactured by our partner Systech Instruments Ltd., a company known worldwide for excellent instruments in the field of gas analysing.

Unser protfolio besteht aus Sauerstoffmessgeräten für die Reinheitsmesseungen, Restsauerstoffmessungen und die Sauerstoffanalyse, sowie aus Feuchtemessgeräten für Gase und Wärmeleitfähigkeitsdetektoren.
Do you want to know which instrument you can use for your application, you will find more details in our application finder.

Our product range includes a wide range of filters and filter elements. As a own filter manufacturer and as German, Austrian and Suisse distributor of the company Headline Filters Ltd. we can provide you with a comprehensive range of filters, filter elements and adsorbers.
A wide range of different materials and a wide choice of filter housing types and sizes enable us to offer the most suitable filter for each requirement.
Sample conditioning
From gas sampling up to gas analysis – we design and supply all required single components as well as complete customised solutions.
Our product range includes filters, gas sample probes, flame resistors, gas sample coolers, condensate pumps and vessels, flowmeters, heated sample lines and connectors, compressors and many more components.

Analysing systems
We design and manufacture for you customised analysing systems which will perfectly suit to your requirement. Our comprehensive technical support, qualified expert advice and a most reliable after-sales-service will be available at any time.
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